Jett, The Agile Duelist

High-flying South Korean agent Jett is a lethal precision mobile duelist.

She can move around the map easily because to her Cloud Burst and Updraft powers.

She can easily dispatch adversaries because to the several throwing blades equipped with her Blade Storm ultimate.

Jett plays with a lot of aggression, quickness, and accuracy.

Raze, The Explosive

Raze is a high-impact duelist with expertise in explosive techniques and area denial, originally from Brazil.

Her Boom Bot and Showstopper ultimate do massive damage and disrupt adversaries, while her Blast Pack and Paint Shells are useful for mobility and aggressive plays.

Raze's erratic playstyle can fool opponents and present her team with opportunities.

Reyna, The Soul Devourer

The fierce Mexican Duelist Reyna is a formidable opponent.

Her approach to play is centered on maximizing kills and individual skill.

Reyna drops Soul Orbs, which can be used for a variety of advantages, after defeating each foe.

Her trademark move, Leer, blinds adversaries and opens doors for daring maneuvers.

Devour heals quickly, but Dismiss quickly turns her invisible.

Empress, her ultimate, increases her power and shooting rate and turns her into a lethal machine.

Reyna is an Agent that thrives in chaotic environments and is high-risk and high-reward.

Phoenix, The Fiery Duelist

Australia's fierce duelist Phoenix is renowned for his rough play and capacity to cause havoc.

He can disrupt adversaries and give cover with his Curveball and Blaze abilities.

His ultimate, Run It Back, gives him a second chance by enabling him to go back to his prior location in perfect health after dying.

Phoenix is a powerful duelist whose aggressive style has the ability to completely change the course of a fight.

Yoru, The Stealthy Duelist

Yoru is a misdirection expert who tricks opponents by appearing trustworthy.

Yoru can be made invisible by Dimensional Drift, teleported by Gatecrash, blinded foes by Blindside, and made into a decoy by Fakeout.

Neon, The Speedster Duelist

Neon is a lightning-fast and highly skilled duelist with electric charge.

High Noon directs energy for strong shots, Relay Bolt and Fast Lane improve movement, while Overdrive quickens movement and fires more frequently.

Iso, The Solitary Duelist

Fast and agile, Iso is a duelist who can phase past obstacles.

Vanish produces a decoy, Equipping Echo produces an echo, and Elusive Step permits Iso to phase.

His greatest achievement, Splitting Image, makes several duplicates of Iso.

Sova, The Eagle-Eyed Hunter

Originating from Russia's icy tundra, Sova is an expert at reconnaissance.

With his advanced bow, he is an expert in obtaining intelligence on the whereabouts of the opposition.

While his Recon Bolt locates foes in its field of vision, his Shock Bolt deals explosive damage.

With the help of his Owl Drone, Sova can see the map from above and identify the locations of his enemies.

Hunter's Fury, his ultimate power, is a destructive energy explosion that breaks through walls and damages or reveals any adversaries in its path.

With her ability to set up aggressive plays and provide vital information, Sova is a priceless asset to any squad.

KAY/O, The Robotic Enforcer

Enemy abilities are suppressed by the robot-like agent KAY/O.

While FLASH/drive blinds, ZERO/point disables ultimate abilities, and FRAG/ment and NULL/cmd disrupt adversaries.

Fade, The Fearsome Hunter

The shadow-based agent Fade fears and pursues adversaries.

Haunt and Prowler search for adversaries, Seize rigs a night-eye crossbow, and degradation releases a wave of degradation that makes adversaries visible.

Skye, The Nature’s Protector

Skye is a flanker and healer who finds utility in her animal companions.

Seeker locates and harms opponents, Flashbang stuns, Regrowth restores allies, and Guiding Light reveals enemies.

Breach, The Bionic Initiator

Breach is a Swedish tactical genius who is an excellent initiator and disruptor of opponent defenses.

His team can exploit gaps in defense by using his Flashpoint and Fault Line skills to stun and blind adversaries.

His Rolling Thunder and Aftershock ultimates disrupt opponents over a wide area and do a ton of damage.

Breach may push targets aggressively and cause havoc for the opposing team with his kit.


The young initiator Gekko finds utility in his animal pals.

Thrash blinds and injures adversaries, Wingman stuns them, and Shield Bot shields allies. A massive shark is summoned by his ultimate, Destroying Ultimate.

Omen, The Shadowy Controller

Teleportation and trickery are two of Omen's specialties as a mystery controller from an unidentified place.

He can teleport short distances and conceal eyesight with his Dark Cover and Shrouded Step abilities.

Omen's paranoia creates opportunity for aggressive plays by blinding adversaries in a specific direction.

He can teleport to any spot on the map with his ultimate, From the Shadows, startling opponents and taking control of the map.

Astra, The Cosmic Conduit

Astra is a celestial controller who commands the battlefield by calling upon the stars.

Enemies are drawn together by Gravity Well, struck by Nova Pulse, stars are destroyed by Dissipate, and a split in space is created by Cosmic Divide.

Brimstone, The Steadfast Commander

Experienced American strategist Brimstone is a controller with expertise in area denial and support.

His use of Incendiary and Smoke Orbs gives him effective battlefield control.

Stim Beacon gives friends in its vicinity a tactical edge by increasing their shooting rate and accuracy.

The ultimate Brimstone tactic, Orbital Strike, launches a devastating bombardment on a predetermined target that has the power to entirely reverse the odds.

Harbor, The Tidal Controller

A water-based controller called Harbor slows down adversaries and provides cover. Reckoning summons a huge wave, High Tide slows enemies, and Cove and Cascade build water walls.

Viper, The Toxic Controller

American biochemist Viper uses poisonous poisons to dominate the battlefield.

Over time, her Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud cause damage and decreased visibility in certain regions.

Her ultimate weapon, Pit, generates a wide, harmful toxic zone, while her Snake Bite missile deals damage to foes instantly.

Viper is quite good at controlling certain places and denying areas.

Cypher, The Watchful Sentinel

Cypher is a talented hacker from Morocco who is an expert at information collection and spying.

His Cyber Cage slows and discloses opponents caught inside, while his Trapwire may identify and immobilize adversaries.

Cypher can keep an eye on enemy movements thanks to the useful intelligence that his spycam gives.

His most powerful ability, Neural Theft, allows him to locate their surviving allies by taking information from a deceased opponent.

Cypher is a master at controlling regions of the map and obtaining intelligence.

Killjoy, The Tech Genius

Killjoy is a tech-savvy agent in Valorant who specializes in information gathering and area control.

She uses a range of devices, such as traps and turrets, to obstruct enemy movement and protect strategic locations.

Lockdown, her ultimate weapon, is very potent because it may immobilize any enemy caught in its range, allowing for strategic pushes and team plays.

Sage, The Healing Sentinel

Sage, a radiant sentinel from China, is renowned for her healing and defensive abilities.

Her Slow Orb can impede enemy movement, while her Barrier Orb creates a solid wall to block off areas.

Sage's signature ability, Healing Orb, restores health to herself and allies, making her an invaluable asset to any team.

Her ultimate, Resurrection, can bring a fallen teammate back to life, offering a second chance in critical moments.

Sage's kit allows her to anchor sites and support her team effectively.

Deadlock, The Unyielding Enforcer

Deadlock is a Sentinel from Norway that specializes in information collection and area denial.

While Sonic Sensor detects enemy footfall, her Hounding Annoyance sends forth a bot that tracks down and slows down adversaries.

Grizzly Bear's ultimate ability, Annihilation, establishes a line of nanowire traps while imprisoning adversaries in situ.

Deadlock's equipment is geared on intelligence gathering and space control.

Chamber, The Precise Marksman

Chamber is a skilled sentinel who employs traps and teleportation.

Rendezvous summons a teleporter, Trademark sets up two teleporters, Headhunter is a formidable sniper, and Tour de Force equips a formidable weapon.